5 Ways Poker Improves Emotional Intelligence
Poker is a card game in which each player puts chips into the pot in turn, with each bet matching or increasing the previous one. Players may also check or fold, allowing them to forfeit their hand if they do not wish to continue. Despite the simple rules of poker, it is not for the weak of heart. The game requires a high level of mental skill, including quick decision making and the ability to read the other players at the table. Poker can teach us a lot about ourselves and other people, helping to improve our emotional intelligence in many ways.
1. Teaches patience and self-control
A good poker player is able to control their emotions in the face of pressure. While most players will experience stress and anxiety at some point during a poker game, they are usually able to keep their emotions in check in order to play their best. This is an important life skill that can be applied to other aspects of your life, such as work and relationships.
2. Develops math skills
Learning poker helps to improve a player’s overall math skills, which is beneficial for anyone. By taking turns betting, raising, and folding, poker players are constantly performing quick calculations in their head. This helps to build and strengthen the neural pathways in the brain, as well as increase myelin, a fiber that protects these pathways. Having stronger neural pathways and myelin is associated with improved cognitive function and learning abilities, so poker can help to keep the mind sharp!
3. Boosts social skills
One of the best things about poker is that it forces you to interact with other people. This is especially true in live games, where you must learn how to read body language and pick up on tells from other players. Being able to read the other players in the game is a huge advantage, and it can be useful in all sorts of situations, such as selling something or giving a presentation at work.
4. Teaches you to think strategically
As mentioned, poker is a game of strategy. A strong poker player will know the odds of a given hand and make decisions accordingly. They will also consider their opponents’ actions and the situation at the table when deciding how much to bet. In doing so, they will try to maximize their chances of winning. This type of thinking is beneficial for any person in their professional or personal lives, as it can lead to better decision making and increased success.
5. Teaches you to read the game
Reading the game of poker is a crucial skill for any player. Regardless of the type of poker you play, it is important to analyze your opponent’s behavior and figure out their tendencies. For example, if you are playing against someone who frequently raises the pot when they have a decent hand, you should be cautious about calling their bets.