Security Measures in the Casino Industry
A casino is a place where people can gamble on games of chance and in some cases, skill. These gaming establishments are found all over the world and generate billions in profits each year for the owners, operators and investors. In addition, they provide jobs and taxes for local, state and national governments. While musical shows, lighted fountains and shopping centers lure visitors into the casinos, the majority of money is made by players gambling on games like slot machines, blackjack, roulette, craps, baccarat, poker and video poker.
Something about the presence of large amounts of cash in a casino encourages both patrons and employees to cheat or steal. As a result, security measures are a major concern for the success of any casino. The first step in casino security begins on the floor of each building, where observant staff members keep an eye on the players and their actions to spot any suspicious behavior. Then they can alert higher-ups who may be able to catch the criminal in the act.
As the popularity of gambling grew, organized crime families realized they could profit from the lucrative business by providing money to run a casino. Mobster bankrolls helped launch the gambling empires of Las Vegas and Reno in the 1950s, but as federal crackdowns and a general distaste for gambling gave rise to new legitimate businesses, organized crime groups began to lose control of the industry. Real estate developers, hotel chains and other companies with deep pockets were able to buy out the mob, take sole or partial ownership of many casinos and move them away from the taint of gambling’s seamy reputation.
Another aspect of casino security involves the use of high-tech “eyes in the sky.” These surveillance systems allow security personnel to monitor the entire casino floor from a room filled with banks of security monitors. This allows them to look down on every table, window and doorway and adjust the cameras to focus on suspicious activity.
The casino industry also focuses on customer service. In order to encourage gamblers to spend more time and money in their facilities, they offer perks such as free hotel rooms, meals, show tickets, limo service and airline tickets for big players. These complimentary items are referred to as comps. The amount of money spent by a player determines their status as a comp earner.