The Differences Between Hard and Soft News


There are two types of news: hard news and soft news. Both are accounts of human activity and should be analyzed and evaluated objectively. News that is both hard and soft is a valuable source of information. It is important that news be well written, clear, concise, picturesque, and makes the reader say, “Gee Whiz!” Sadly, the overabundance of sources has reduced our capacity for surprise.

Soft news

Soft news consists of organizations and publications dealing with art, commentary, and entertainment. These publications and organizations can take the form of television programs, magazines, or print articles. They can also contain opinions and analysis about current events. The goal of soft news is to reach a broad audience. However, it is important to remember that there are many different kinds of soft news.

Most news programs today devote a large portion of their programming time to soft news. For example, NBC has redesigned its nightly newscast in 1997, adding features and trimming international and hard news segments. The new format has helped the network achieve ratings leadership.

Hard news

In the media, hard news is the kind of news stories that have major impact and are backed by data. Such stories may cover topics ranging from politics to crime, from the economy to religion. They also include news on natural calamities and riots. These stories often require a large amount of thought and analysis.

The history of the news business shows that the quality of critical reporting outperforms the amount of “pizzazz” that’s thrown at it. While this is not the case for every type of news story, it has the potential to boost audience loyalty. Hard news fans typically consume much more news than their soft news counterparts.

Unpublished account of human activity

A news article is an unpublished account of human activity that aims to inform, entertain, or educate the reader. A news article must be original and must come to the reader for the first time. It can be published through a variety of techniques. A news article may be based on a real event or it may be based on an opinion. The purpose is the same, however: to inform and educate.


Objectivity in news is a difficult concept to define. The modern media is overcrowded with news, and journalists aren’t immune to bias. They often express their own opinions, advocate for or against political candidates, and manipulate coverage to suit the interests of the newspaper’s owner. As a result, many people feel confused about what constitutes objectivity.

In order to make the news business viable, news companies need to appeal to a broader audience. This requires creating a space where broad sections of society can access the same information and form their own interpretations of events. While the professional objective model may not have been around forever, it has become a norm for news reporting. The news industry once lacked the objectivity consumers wanted by injecting opinions into questions and stories.


The Pulitzer Prize for Fairness in Journalism is a prize given to journalists and news organizations for their work that promotes fairness in the news. This award recognizes fairness in news coverage and rewards journalists who make a positive impact in the community. Fairness in news is important to society, and it’s important to recognize that news outlets don’t have the right to misrepresent the facts.

Fair journalism is defined as objective reporting free of self-interest, bias, or favoritism. Journalists must report the facts, and make sure they include relevant perspectives. For example, if a journalist is reporting about lynchings, they must call the Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan and include his perspective. In addition, journalists are encouraged to present opposing viewpoints in order to make their stories more balanced and meaningful.

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